
Monday, January 18, 2010

Isaiah said...

"My mom had to pull my broken toof. I was not impressed. I cried. But the toof fairy brought me three monies so I guess it is OK."

Amy said, "Isaiah, where are you going?" He said, "To Neverland. I will be right back."

(About watching Avatar - and crying during the movie.) I don't want to see the blue people lose their tree. Their tree is their whole world. It makes me very sad."

"Grandma, did you know me when I was a baby in my mommy's tummy? Did God tell you my name was Isaiah? I fink He told you dat."

"Grandma, can daddies have a baby in their tummy? I want to grow up and have a little boy and I will be a very good daddy." (Had to tell him no on this one; he'd have to get married and only mommies could have babies in their tummies. "Oh...")

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