When Isaiah was first learning to recognize the letters of the alphabet, he would point to each and recite which letter it was. When he got to the letter "I" he would always say, "And there's my I!" before moving on to the next letter.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Ni Hao
Last night, as Amy and Isaiah were leaving he saw a plane. It was pretty dark outside so all he could really see were the flashing lights. We had just been talking about our plane rides and how much fun they were. So, he had to have Amy and I both stop what we were doing and look at the plane.
"Hi Plane! Ni Hao!"
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Can I marry you?
You want to marry me? That's nice, but I'm already married.
You are? Who married you?
Grandpa married me.
He did!?!?! When did he do that? When I was just a baby?
No, when your mommy was just a baby. She was three years old.
Oh... I was a tiny baby in her tummy then. Right?
Thank you for picking me up at latch key. Can I show Crampa my prizes I bought?
That will be fine... Show Grandpa your prizes.
~Maybe that will get his mind off of marriage.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Trip highlights

He loved, loved, loved riding the ferry.

The ride home from spending more than nine hours on the pier. It was a very long day that started at 5:00 am.
Enjoying some French Fries while waiting for the ferry.
And, finally, coming home. Isaiah decided that he needed a welcome home party and cake. I'm not entirely sure why he thought he needed one, but he did. Luckily, he told me while we were waiting to take off and not after we took off. I was able to send a quick text message to Amy that he thought he needed a welcome home cake. She got the message and showed up with welcome home balloons and cupcakes for him. I'm sure the folks waiting in the same area as her thought she was waiting on returning military (the balloons were camo-green) and the grins on their faces when Isaiah came down the ramp were priceless. They thought the whole thing was very cute and touching.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Bendy vs. Straight
Why not?
It's too bendy. I think it should be not so bendy. It should be more like mine.
You mean straight?
Yeah, that's right. Straight. Not bendy.
I guess he is less-than impressed with my newly permed hair.
We had the pool to ourselves for quite a while but eventually another family showed up. Mom, Dad, and two boys - ages 7 and 3. Of course, Isaiah was drawn to the dad because he was obviously having fun playing with his boys. I was in the water with him, but he kept acting like he wanted to join in their fun. I finally explained to the dad that Isaiah was drawn to him because his own father was absentee and he was really longing for that attention. Bless the man - he started including Isaiah and even had him swimming from me to him. I thought that was very nice of him because he had to let one of his own boys be without a parent while he engaged Isaiah.
We didn't stay too much longer after that as I didn't want to intrude on their family time. I plan on taking Isaiah back today or tomorrow - depending on the weather.
Arcade fun

Since he was so good-natured about everything, the proprietor gave him the balloon hat. I think it was his favorite prize.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
You Know Dat?
I've started telling him things and following up with the same question. Then I tell him I know that because he told me so and he knows it because I told him so.
Oh.... what a revelation to him.
You know dat?